C0-microSD Pinout

C0-microSD pinout

Detailed pin description

C0-microSD Pin iCE40 FPGA pin Standard Description
SD_DAT2 E5 LVCMOS 3.3 GPIO pin connected to the SD bus DAT2
SD_DAT3 F5 LVCMOS 3.3 GPIO pin connected to the SD bus DAT3
SD_CMD A4 LVCMOS 3.3 GPIO pin connected to the SD bus CMD
VDD -   Supply voltage
SD_CLK B3 LVCMOS 3.3 GPIO pin connected to the SD bus CLK
VSS -   Ground voltage
SD_DAT0 A1* LVCMOS 3.3 GPIO pin connected to the SD bus DAT0
SD_DAT1 A2* LVCMOS 3.3 GPIO pin connected to the SD bus DAT1
CONFIG_SCLK D1 LVCMOS 1.8 Clock pin of SPI configuration port
CONFIG_DONE D3 LVCMOS 1.8 Configuration done pin
CONFIG_CRESET_N F3 LVCMOS 1.8 FPGA reset pin (active low)
CONFIG_MISO E1 LVCMOS 1.8 MISO pin of SPI configuration port
CONFIG_CS_N C1 LVCMOS 1.8 Chip select of SPI configuration port (active low)
CONFIG_MOSI F1 LVCMOS 1.8 MOSI pin of SPI configuration port
GREEN_LED A5 LVCMOS 3.3 Open Drain Green status LED
RED_LED B5 LVCMOS 3.3 Open Drain Red status LED

*Can be used as differential pair.

Electrical characteristics

Standard Min Typ Max Unit
LVCMOS 3.3 3.14 3.3 3.46 V
LVCMOS 1.8 1.71 1.8 1.89 V
Supply Min Typ Max Unit
VDD 3.14 3.3 3.5 V