Hardware Overview

The Signaloid C0-microSD is based on the iCE40 FPGA from Lattice Semiconductor. In addition to the iCE40 FPGA, the Signaloid C0-microSD SOM contains 128Mbit of serial NOR flash for storing bitstreams, firmware, and user data.


    • 5280 logic cells
    • 128 Kbit (16 KB) dual-port Block RAM
    • 1 Mbit (128 KB) Single-Port RAM
    • One PLL, two SPI, and two I2C hard IPs
    • Two internal oscillators (10 kHz and 48 MHz)
    • 8 DSPs (16x16 multiply + 32-bit accumulate)
    • Hard IP PWM (for the on-board LEDs)
  • AT25QL128A SPI Flash
    • 128 Mbit (16 MB) non-volatile memory
    • 50 MHz typical operating frequency
    • 133 MHz maximum operating frequency (fast read)
    • Low power dissipation
  • Programmable I/O pins
    • Two on-board leds (one red and one green), for status indication
    • Six programmable I/O pins by repurposing the microSD pads as I/O accessible from custom designs mapped to the FPGA.
    • Five additional programmable I/O via test pads.
  • Built-in Signaloid C0 RISC-V SoC
  • Built-in bootloader, allowing you to load new FPGA bitstreams or RISC-V applications via the SD interface

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